The new website is now live. The site aims to discover the best apps in the GNOME ecosystem and learn how to get involved; Core Apps, Circle Apps and Development Apps are currently listed.

The site’s front page description shows.

Apps featured in this curated overview are all built with the GNOME philosophy in mind. They are easy to understand and simple to use, feature a consistent and polished design and provide a noticeable attention to details. Naturally, they are free software and have committed to being part of a welcoming and friendly community. These apps will perfectly integrate with your GNOME Desktop.

The site is described in detail by GNOME’s Sophie Herold in a blog post.

  • Focus on engagement. Apps pages are designed with a focus on involving users in the development of an application. Whether it’s feedback on a project, translation, or financial support, Apps for GNOME offers many ways to get involved in application development.
  • Internationalisation. This site is the first source of information on translations of applications in the GNOME ecosystem.
  • Up-to-date information. Apps for GNOME relies almost entirely on existing metadata, such as that used in software or Flathub. As a result, application maintainers do not need to do extra work to keep the information up to date. Better still, Apps for GNOME is an added incentive for maintainers and translators to optimise and translate this information.
  • Includes applications that are not suitable for Flathub . It is not technically feasible to distribute applications such as software, files or terminals on Flathub. Apps for GNOME provides a web presence for these applications that they lack on Flathub.

Website home page: