Deno’s compatibility data can now be found in the compatibility chart on MDN. The official blog notes that Deno embraces modern Web APIs, and they believe that when features are added to runtime, it is best to do so in the form of Web APIs. This is both good for developers, who are already familiar with these APIs, and good for Deno, who can leverage existing tests.

The Web API has a huge amount of documentation, and a search for “fetch javascript” yields hundreds of millions of results. In Deno’s opinion, the best source of documentation for the Web platform is MDN, which contains about 11,000 pages of documentation, guides, and tutorials maintained by the community and staff from Google, Mozilla, and Open Web Docs.

MDN also maintains runtime compatibility data for the Web API; this data is displayed in the form of compatibility charts on the MDN documentation page. “Nowadays, Deno compatibility data is also available in these charts. The compatibility data is available for all JavaScript reference pages (such as Array and WebAssembly.LinkError) and many Web API reference pages (such as fetch and setTimeout).”

In addition, this data is also available programmatically through the mdn/browser-compat-data repository.

See the official blog for details.