Basic Use of Vuex

Recently, I was writing the home page of deepincn, and I saw elementary os’ home page style was quite nice, so I planned to learn from it. Originally intended to use Angular development, but see Vue3 has been very stable, so I plan to regain Vue3, using Vue3 to write the new home page. In order to facilitate future data updates, you need to use centralized data management, Vue under the more famous and good is Vuex, and Vuex has also been adapted to Vue3, you can rest assured that the use of.

Using kubeplay to deploy a kubernetes cluster offline

kubeplay is a tool for offline deployment of kuberneres clusters based on kubespray Features Includes all dependencies and can be installed offline with a single command Support amd64 and arm64 CPU architectures kubeadm-generated certificate validity adjusted to 10 years De-dockerized deployment, seamless migration to containerd as container runtime Offline installation of rpm/deb packages that the platform depends on (e.g. storage client) for toB privatization scenarios Multi-cluster deployment, with support for deploying kubernetes clusters as Job Pods within kubernetes clusters Build offline installers using GitHub Actions, no membership required, 100% open source 100% free Component Versions addon version Use kubernetes v1.

Compiling kubernetes components with GitHub Actions

When using kubernetes, you often have to modify the official k8s source code and recompile it due to certain needs. This article explains how to use GitHub Actions to compile and publish the generated binaries by modifying the kubeadm generation certificate to the default 10 years. Build clone repo Fork the official kubernetes source code to your own repo 1 2 3 4 5 6 $ git clone $ cd kubernetes $ git remote add upstream https://github.

Windows 11 preview has a serious bug that turns out to be caused by built-in ads

Last week, Microsoft pushed a new version of Windows 11 to Windows Insiders users, and soon the first testers to install the new version were experiencing problems with the desktop, Start menu, taskbar, and other core components crashing and failing to load frequently. The first testers soon experienced problems with the desktop, Start menu, taskbar and other core components crashing and failing to load. Microsoft also quickly identified the problem and provided a fix registry entry Microsoft also quickly identified the problem and provided a workaround.

Critical vulnerability in NPM package, downloaded over 3 million times per week, has affected many Node.js applications

“pac-resolver” is a very popular NPM package, with over 3 million downloads per week and 285,000 public dependency repositories on GitHub. The developers of this package have recently released a patch to fix a vulnerability that could affect many Node.js applications with Remote Code Execution (RCE). Developer Tim Perry disclosed a high-risk vulnerability in the pac-resolver dependency this week, noting that it could allow an attacker on the local network to remotely run malicious code in the Node.

TensorFlow to depart from YAML due to code execution vulnerability, recommends developers switch to JSON

Tensorflow is a Python based machine learning and artificial intelligence project developed by Google. Recently TensorFlow has dropped support for YAML in order to fix a critical code execution vulnerability. AML or YAML Ain’t Markup Language is a human-readable data serialization language used to pass objects and store data between processes and applications, and many Python applications use YAML to serialize and deserialize objects. The CVE ID for this vulnerability is CVE-2021-37678, and the maintainers of TensorFlow and Keras, a wrapper project for TensorFlow, say that the vulnerability stems from an insecure parsing of YAML, which could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code when an application deserializes a Keras model served in YAML format.

Linus Torvalds: GitHub creates absolutely useless rubbish merge

In August 2020, Paragon, a company working on a variety of storage technologies, made a high profile announcement that their NTFS read/write driver would be in mainline development in the Linux kernel, after years of being available as a commercial driver for those who need reliable support for Microsoft file systems on Linux. It is understood that after several revisions, Paragon submitted a pull request a few days ago for its NTFS read/write driver, dubbed NTFS3, for the upcoming Linux 5.

After 8 years, LiveCode announces its closure!

Kevin Mille, CEO of LiveCode, recently announced that he will choose a closed source approach to LiveCode development in the future. “99% of LiveCode’s work is done by our internal team. But a large part of the community is using the open source version for free, and our current maintenance costs are unbalanced against the rewards. It’s a huge task and one we don’t have the resources to take on. Therefore, we have decided to stop supporting the open source version of LiveCode at this time.

How cloud native is putting us out of work

I am temporarily unemployed, so this article does not represent the views of any employer. By 2021, most companies have decided to embrace cloud-native, but many programmers’ understanding of cloud-native is limited to “native k8s-based applications”. If a company goes to the cloud (k8s), it’s embracing cloud-native. Those with a little more understanding think that if we go to service mesh in addition to k8s, we are embracing cloud-native. The cncf’s definition of cloud-native is in fact very complex.

A practical application of the Observer Pattern

Design patterns are encountered in both interviews and at work, but I often come across complaints from my partners that they have very little chance of applying design patterns in practice. I have recently encountered a problem solving scenario using the Observer pattern at work, and I would like to share it with you. The background is as follows. Some additional things need to be done in the standard process after a user has created an order.

Apple is hiring RISC-V developers

Apple has recently made an announcement for RISV developers. Apple is currently seeking developers with detailed knowledge of and experience with the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA) and ARM’s Neon vector ISA for the Vector and Numerics Group (VaNG) group within its core operating systems team, the job announcement states. Apple’s VaNG group is responsible for developing and improving various embedded subsystems running on iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. Apple, which is known for its secrecy, did not reveal in the job posting what it intends to do with RISC-V, but the job description indicates that the developer in this role will need to be responsible for machine learning, computational vision and natural language processing.

GitHub: The Unencrypted Git Protocol Is About to Become History

GitHub has released a blog post stating that it is taking steps to improve the security of its hosted code repositories. It will now be necessary to use the encrypted Git protocol when pushing and pulling Git data. These changes will affect some of the keys supported in SSH, and according to the Git Systems team, unencrypted Git protocols will now be a thing of the past. Specifically, GitHub no longer supports DSA keys (Digital Signature Algorithm), and some traditional SSH algorithms such as HMAC-SHA-1 and CBC are no longer available.

How to track http request responses for Spring MVC

Certain business requirements require tracking access to our http service, that is, logging the requests and responses. The basic logging dimension contains request parameters (path query parameters, request body), request path (uri), request method (method), request headers (headers), and response status, response headers, and even contains sensitive response bodies, etc. Today summarizes several methods, you can choose as needed. How request tracking is implemented Gateway Many gateway facilities have httptrace capabilities that help us centrally log request traffic.

Qt 6.2 LTS features may completely override Qt 5.15

Qt has published a blog post comparing Qt 6.2 LTS with Qt 5.15, stating that Qt 6.2 LTS will completely override Qt 5.15. When Qt 6.0 debuted last year, most of the criticism came from the fact that it didn’t port all the modules and features from Qt5, and that Qt Inc. limited the Qt 5.15 LTS release to paying customers only. Since then, developers have been working to address these missing elements in Qt6, and with the upcoming Qt 6.

Facebook Open Source Web Scale Service Caching Engine CacheLib

Facebook has officially announced that it is open sourcing its caching engine, CacheLib, for Web scale services. CacheLib is described as a pluggable in-process caching engine for collaboratively building and scaling high-performance services.CacheLib’s C++ library provides an in-process high-performance caching mechanism that enables developers to build and customize scalable concurrent caches through its simple API, with the built-in ability to transparently leverage DRAM and SSD caches. Also available in the GitHub repository is CacheBench, a benchmarking tool that can be used to evaluate cache performance for different production workloads.

New homepage for TypeScript official website

TypeScript officials have announced a new homepage for their website to better introduce users to TypeScript. In the article, the official says that the previous homepage had a number of problems, such as no obvious call-to-action phrase at the top of the site, too much text explaining concepts, a lack of focus due to the visual weight between sections of the site, and not enough code examples. Finally, an A/B test was carried out with users of the site to see if any new users liked the homepage, but the results were essentially 50/50.

Microsoft launches Visual Studio Code for the Web preview in low profile

According to a report in The Register, Microsoft has announced a public preview of Visual Studio Code for the Web in a deleted (and presumably premature) article. Visual Studio Code for the Web, the web version of Visual Studio Code, is described as a new web-based code editor that runs entirely in the browser. Anyone can use VS Code for the Web for free at to quickly open and browse source code hosted on GitHub and local computers (with support for Azure Repositories to follow) and make lightweight changes.

How is the Go generic implemented?

You can use generics in Go 1.17. The current master branch, by default, already supports generics, so you don’t need to add the -G=3 parameter. You can try the latest branch of go by following these steps: 1 2 go get gotip download Just use the gotip command instead of go when compiling your code. With the release of Go 1.17, there have been a lot of articles on Go generics, but they are basically brief introductory articles.

Pyston development team announces joining Anaconda

Pyston has officially posted that its team (Marius and Kevin) will join Anaconda and continue development of the Python open source interpreter Pyston. Pyston was originally developed by Dropbox as a Python implementation based on the open source JIT, but Dropbox later abandoned Pyston. eventually, its developers decided to start their own business a few years later and released Pyston 2.0. while Anaconda is a well-known Python and R distribution with a simplified package management strategy, focusing on scientific computing, among other tasks.

After 18 years, SCO, which sued IBM for stealing System V source code, chooses to settle for $14.25 million

A lawsuit that has been going on for nearly 20 years and was thought to threaten the very existence of Linux has finally come to an end. The lawsuit began in 2003, but the events behind it date back to 1998. At the time, IBM and Santa Cruz Operation (SCO - the vendor of UNIX for x86 CPU devices) joined forces with other companies to create the “Monterey” project to create a version of UNIX that would run on multiple hardware platforms - this was what the Linux community was doing at the time.