Dapr relies on a tool library that contains a "Do Not Use" license
F5 Announces New Commitment to Open Source
Elastic Acquires build.security to Extend Security in Cloud-Native Environments
Google's "planet scale" cron system design
"Want the source code to pick up at home", and people really came to the door! Chinese companies in controversy again
golang.org Will Be History
Trigger file uploads without using file type inputs
Use of Carbon
Learn Java's Coroutine framework Loom
GitHub Actions Tutorial: Timed Weather Emails
GitHub Actions Getting Started Tutorial
Big data unicorn Databricks may be valued at $38 billion
Haiku's 20th anniversary
Tesla AI Day: Self-developed supercomputing Dojo chip released, 7nm manufacturing, can perform 1024 billion calculations per second
Git Undo
Windows 11 makes it harder to switch default browsers, causing discontent with Google and Mozilla
Microsoft Publish First Win11 Iso
Glibc Security Patch Causes More Serious Vulnerabilities
Intel announces details about next-generation client architecture "Alder Lake"
Apollo GraphQL raises $130M: Creating groundbreaking open source graph technology
How to create temporary files with Bash scripts: tutorials on the mktemp and trap commands
Linux Foundation Welcomes New "Member", eBPF Foundation Formed
Facebook unveils future-proof privacy-enhancing technology
IE browser's phase-out enters final stage
FFmpeg Video Processing Tutorial for Beginners
Facebook develops new open source timing device that works with just one PCIe slot
Google launches SoundStream, a neural network codec that will be integrated into the open source project Lyra
Safari does not support build-in custom elements for compatibility handling
Chrome tests tab caching feature to instantly restart closed pages
State of the .NET ecosystem: more than half of .NET developers use C# 8, .NET Framework usage declining
PineNote: an e-ink screen reader that runs Linux
A First Look at RDF and SPARQL: Using Wikidata as an Example
Local https quick solution - mkcert
SSH Certificate Login Tutorial
git cherry-pick tutorial
When JS WeakMap should be used
GitHub has deprecated password-based authentication for Git operations
Firefox follows Chrome's lead, will block unsafe downloads by default
How can I avoid Go command line execution creating "orphan" processes?
An Introduction to babel
Google Opens Allstar to Implement Ongoing Security Best Practices for GitHub Projects
From now on, there is no Redis Labs, only Redis
ExpressVPN announces open source Lightway protocol, big changes coming to VPN market?
Asm and Emscripten Tutorials
Android 12 Beta 4 released, has reached platform stability
Migrating GitHub engineering teams' development environments to Codespaces
Facebook opens Time Card atomic clock technology to accelerate Internet services
OpenAI upgrades AI encoder Codex and launches internal testing
Change the protocol, change the code, Elastic is forcing developers to choose one or the other?
Web Performance Optimization - preload,prefetch,preconnect